Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lazy Sunday Morning

Just laying here on the couch trying to get myself up and motivated to clean my room. Have a great day. More to blog about later.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A cloudy sky saturday morning

Well its almost noon and I have to work this afternoon. Its my once a month saturday work day. I'll be there 1-5. I have a feeling its going to be pretty slow, the weather is pretty dreary today. I hope it clears up later today. Supposed to be heading downtown tonight.

Yesterday I didn't get a chance to blog. I was hoping to get out of work early and hour or two but only ended up leaving about 30 minutes early. When I got home I sat down and started playing Fable. I downloaded it thursday night but by the time it finished downloading I had to get to bed. I played it or a couple of hours yesterday and I really like the game so far. I'll definitely be playing it a lot more.

When I got done doing Fable I decided to fire up the PS3 and play some singstar. I saw online that they added a roxette song pack so I had to get it. I friggin love roxette. So I did some singing and drinkinig while the songs were downloading. I had to stop to go over to our friends house or pizza and movie. We stopped at Tiffany's on the way over and I picked up some firefly sweet tea vodka. If you like tea, this shit is the bomb. All you do is mix it with ice and water and you have iced tea with vodka. The best part is you can't taste the vodka.

We stayed there for a couple of hours then came home and I crashed down on the couch and was out the rest of the night.

Well before I head to work I'm gonna fix some lunch and throw some more games up on Goozex. I finally signed up for the site Thursday night. Its a great way to get rid of old games. Instead of selling them back to gamestop and getting credit, I list the games on goozex. Each game has a point value and when I trade the game with another user I get those points in my account and then can go and use those points or a game I want. I put some of my xbox games up thursday night and within an hour I had two requests for games. I mailed them off yesterday and should have the points in my account sometime next week. If you're looking to unload some old games you definitely should sign up for the site.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Xbox 360 Game Collection Sucks

I was in the mood to play some Xbox tonight but when I went and looked at my games to play I didn't want to play any of them. My collection is a random mix of crap games that I got for cheap or used. I think of the 12 or so games I have there are only three that I want to keep. The rest I'm thinking I might trade in for credit at gamestop or amazon.

I really want to get into an RPG/Sim/action game so I was looking around on Xbox and saw that I could download the original fable game. I checked out the description and screenshots and it looked like something I would want to play and checked out the reviews and decided to download it. I'm currently downloading it right now. I'm also thinking about picking up Fallout 3. That looks like another game that would be good. I'll see how Fable goes. I really want to get back into gaming. I've kept up with all the news about gaming but lagged in the actual playing of games. Now that I have sirius again, I can game and listen to current music.

I'm happy tomorrow is friday but I have to work on Saturday afternoon so Friday isn't as exciting as it could be. I just hope tomorrow goes by faster than today did. It rained most of today so nobody was in the store shopping. It made for a really long day.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

say hey

Well another hump day is almost over. It started nice and early for me at 5am when the alarm clock went off. I got up and went to my department meeting at 6am and then came back home for an hour and slept before going back to work. The day went by pretty fast which was good for me. I was hoping to take a lunch with jenn but crap happened and that didn't happen. I was able to get to Arbys and picked up a free chicken club sandwich.

The best part of the day came when I got home from work. Waiting for me was my package from Sirius. I came to the decision last week that I wanted get satellite radio again. I had stopped using it last fall to save money. I realized lately that I have no idea whats going in music and figured getting sirius again would help me get back into music. Well I pulled my old sirius radio out and discovered it didn't work anymore. So I got online friday night and ordered a new one and today it finally arrived. Sirius had a pretty good sale going on their Mirge radio so I picked one of those up. It was regular $250 and they had it marked down to $40. Whats really cool about the radio is it picks up both Sirius and XM satellite signals.

When I got home I opened the box and then went out into my car and got everything hooked up. In the past with my satellite radios I didn't do the correct install and just kept everything on the dashboard, radio and antenna and wires. This time around I mounted the antenna to the roof of my car and ran the cable for it into my jimmy. It took me a little longer than usual to do but got everything installed and activated and now have satellite radio once again. I also picked up the online version of it too and I'm listening to that right now as I type this.

After I installed the radio I came inside and finally got around to watching Hotel for Dogs. I had rented it a few weeks ago from netflix but never got to watching it until to now. I was really surprised with the movie. I as thinking it was going to be really cheesey and stupid but it was actually pretty good. Yeah it was a little predictable but I enjoyed myself when I was watching it.

Well I better get to bed, I really could use some sleep. Goodnight.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A quick hello

I'm about to head to bed and just wanted to write a quick post. After work tonight I went out to sam's club with a friend and we wandered all over the store. Then came home and watched friday 13th part 6.

Tomorrow I have to be up at 5am because I have a meeting at 6 am. Not looking forward to the morning.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Bam! its a post

I'm sitting at home watching Jon and Kate and its their 100th episode. Emeril is on and thats why Bam is in the title. I'm also doing a laundry tonight. I got shirts and underclothes in the dryer and jeans in the wash. I should be doing some cleaning around the house but right now its tv and blogging time. After the show I have to go upstairs and clean up in the kitchen and living room. Were in the process of redoing the upstairs. Yesterday we finally found new furniture for the living room. After checking out all of the furniture stores in Kazoo we stopped into second time around furniture and found our new living room set. It was a brand new set at a second hand price. Its comfortable and looks great in the living room.

We wouldn't even had stopped into second time around if it weren't for my sam's club membership. I've been wanting to get a membership since I'm in a house now and just got a chest freezer. Since we were going to be on that side of town yesterday we decided to get the membership. We'll we pulled into the parking lot and saw Second Time Around. My membership got put on hold while we got the furniture. The store closed in 30 minutes and we got a 10% discount if we took it home today. So we paid for it and told the guy we were going to pick it up so we went down the road and rented a van then took the couch and chair home. We took the van back and then went to sam's. We walked in with 10 minutes before they closed. We got our memberships and walked around a little and then they closed. I'm gonna have to go over there sometime this week and check it out. Its been years since I've been to sam's club.

Tonight after I got home from work I decided I needed to go to Target. I really need to go through my closet and get rid of most of my clothes. I have so many shirts and probably wear maybe 5 or 6 of them. I also needed to get some body cleaning stuff so I figured I had nothing to do so I would go see what Target had. I checked out the clothing section but nothing really stuck out so I passed on getting clothes. Then I checked out the video games. They had Banjo Kazoo Nuts and Bolts on clearance for $20. I almost picked it up but decided to save my money for now. I have too many games I need to play through before I get new ones. Of course I forgot to see if they had an extra curtain rod bracket for the front window. I also forgot to pick up a country weekly. My friend Michelle is supposed to have a two page spread in the current issue. I will have to stop by the store tomorrow and see if I can find one. I noticed the past couple of days in the shower that my shampoo and face wash was getting low so I picked some of that up. I got kinda scared that they didn't have my face wash anymore but I found it. I use the Every Man Jack Face Wash. I also picked up some Axe Shampoo and Conditioner. I've been using the Axe hair products since they've been on the market and really like them. I also needed to get some shower gel but couldn't decide what to go with so I passed. I usually use Axe but feel like trying something different. I then checked out the Burt's Bee section and decided I would try out their new men's hair gel. I also saw they had some cuticle creme and I decided to give it a try. My fingernails I think always look nasty so I'm gonna try the creme and see how it turns out.

Well I've blogged enough and it looks like this episode of jon and kate is a repeat so I'm gonna go do some cleaning. I'm gonna try really hard to keep up with the blogging. I know I always say that but I really need to keep this up. I've been wanting to get back into the blogging and website stuff.